Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Missionaries of Charity

I visited the tomb of Mother Teresa the other day. Every day I pass the tiny room where she lived, worked and died. Suddenly it’s all very real and overwhelming. Mother Teresa is no longer just a cool quote from a book. This woman is real. She is not only of the past; she is alive here and now.
Jesus words “I thirst”, spoken on the cross, explain the mission of Mother Teresa and her missionaries. They exist to quench the thirst of Jesus. They serve the unwanted, the unloved and the uncared for in the midst of the poorest of the poor.
Five days ago we had our orientation at the Mother House and we have been assigned to work at Shishu Bhavan, a home for abandoned handicapped children. So far the work has been challenging, tiring and intense. There is so much I want to share with each one of you, but I am struggling with what to share and what not to share. I won’t only be able to share positive things about this place, so maybe it’s better not to share my thoughts with you. My fear however is that I by not sharing will not allow it all to sink in, and when I leave, it will be as if it never happened - as if the reality of these children’s lives is not actually something that I’ve seen or entered into. 
When we first started working at Shishu Bhavan my biggest concern was my non-existing skills of working with children with special needs, but after five days I have learned, that you don’t need super hero strength or super hero skills to work with these children. I might not know if they are in the right position or how to stimulate them in the best possibly way, but I can assist them, care for them and love them. In return I get a lot of smiles and hugs. They keep me going.
I promise to post again soon. Next time I’ll try to be more inspiring also.
Love Mette

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